Monday, November 30, 2009


Dia 26, quinta-feira de thanksgiving por aqui, aconteceu a reabertura do Hotel Mamounia na cidade de Marrakech no Marroco.
Passaram por la Jennifer Aniston, Orlando Bloom e a namorada -Angel da Victoria's Secret- Miranda Kerr, Juliette Binoche, Salma Hayek, Matthew Williamson, Colin Cowie, Bryan Ferry e Adrien Brody.
Porem, quem roubou a cena nesse evento de gala foi Gwyneth Paltrow:

Vestida de Donna Karan ela esta fina!

O tom rosinha -quase bege- do vestido ficou lindo com o tom de sua pele, alem da maquiagem leve nos olhos e o batom pink nos labios.

Para ter o mesmo tom de batom de Gwyneth, aqui vai a dica:

"ROUGE VOLUPTÉ - Silky Sensual Radiant Lipstick SPF 15" da Yves Saint Laurent no tom "10 Provocative Pink (bright magenta pink)".
Custa $34.00 e a qualidade do batom é otima, dura muito e é super bom de passar.
Esse batom YSL, junto com um look nude e uma maquiagem marrom para o dourado nos olhos, fica luxo total!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Juniper Rose for Donna Karan Jewelry

fashion accessories, juniper rose, donna karan

Every fashionista should be eying for Juniper Rose's creations for Donna Karan jewelry. Juniper Rose created some of the most must-have accessories for this season. Her designs will make you look tough and chic at the same time. I can associate Kristen Stewart's current fashion style with these leathers and crystals.

The Necklace costs $895 and Cuff is $595 at Donna Karan New York. Know more about these accessories from Net-a-porter's interview with Juniper Rose.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Agent Provocateur New Comic Book Features Venus Fly Trap and More!

fashion news,lingerie

The second comic book of Agent Provocateur are out in the market. If you have seen some of the super heroines in the first comic book, you'll meet other super heroines in the second one. Venus Flytrap, Miss Pony Tail and The Red Baroness wear their Agent Provocateur's lingerie outfits in reality.

fashion news,lingerie
fashion news,lingerie
fashion news,lingerie


New Moon Stars at Entertainment Weekly December 2009 Issue

Your favorite New Moon characters will be on the cover of Entertainment Weekly's December 2009 issue. Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black will recruit you as their allies. Which team are you in? Team Edward, Team Bella or Team Jacob?

fashion magazinefashion magazine,twilighttwilight,fashion magazine

Check the rest of the entry for bigger images!

fashion magazine
fashion magazine,twilight
twilight,fashion magazine
Source: Just Jared

Nova Compra no Site Cherry Culture

A última compra que fiz no site Cherry Culture chegou no prazo certo e não atrasou como a outra compra que tinha feito. Uma dica para quem quer comprar no site e não ser taxada, é fazer um pedido mais barato, esse último eu não queria ser taxada como da outra vez, então eu fiz um pedido que incluindo o frete deu U$ 26,00.

Os produtos que comprei: batons Nyx, uma paleta de sombra baratinha Amuse, caneta delineadora Amuse e um kit de estêncil de sobrancelha como esse, pois o meu acabou se quebrando. Depois vou fazer um post especial sobre esse estêncil, é uma boa ferramenta e tem utilidades ótimas principalmente quando vou fazer a sobrancelha.

Amei as cores dos batons. O Tea Rose é um rosa cor de boca lindo, o Circe é um nude que fica da cor da pele do rosto, o Paris comprei porque falaram que é parecido com o Pink Nouveau da MAC, e realmente é uma cor linda, e finalmente, comprei esse lip tint, só que veio na cor errada, eu tinha pedido o Spirit, que é um rosinha, e veio esse Hush, que é meio coral, mas eu não quis reclamar, pois gostei da cor. Ele é como um balm, super hidratante!

Comprei essa paleta da Amuse pois na foto achei as cores lindas, porém, quando chegou, percebi que ela tem ultra mega brilhos, eu não sou muito fã de sombras com brilhinhos, mas acho que vou usá-la, principalmente a branca para iluminar os olhos perto da sobrancelha e no cantinho interno. Também vou usar a dourada, pois adoro sombra dourada e a roxinha! As sombras são bem pigmentada!

Essa caneta delineadora eu achei muito fraquinha, não queria gastar U$ 7,00 na da Nyx, por isso comprei essa da Amuse. Ela não faz um traço muito pigmentado, fica meio cinza e apagado. Mas eu achei uma função incrível pra ela: preencher minhas falhinhas na sobrancelha!! Eu gostei tanto dela para essa função, que quando ela acabar, eu vou comprar outra!!!

Quem se animar a comprar no Cherry Culture aproveitem, pois o site está em promoção de 20% de desconto. Para comprar use o código TKS20, a promoção vai até 30 de novembro.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Michelle Obama Wears Naeem Khan Dress at State Dinner

michelle obama
First lady Michelle Obama channeled her fashion side during the first state dinner of U.S. Pres. Barack Obama. She pulled a strapless, silver-sequined, cream-colored gown by Naeem Khan, an Indian-American designer. The gown was accentuated with beads that form an abstract floral pattern. Michelle completed her fabulous look with a stack of bangle bracelets and dangling earrings.

Photo Source:

Top Black Friday Fashion Sales

Black Friday Sale
November 27 is a Black Friday. In the United States, the Friday after Thanksgiving is referred as Black Friday, the day that officially starts the traditional Christmas shopping season.

Checkout the Top Black Friday Fashion Sales that you must checkout as you start your shopping spree.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ashley Greene In Bottega Veneta's Red Resort 2010 Collection

twilight,celebrity fashion styletwilight,celebrity fashion style

Ashley Greene who plays the character of Alice Cullen in the Twilight Saga: New Moon, guested at David Letterman Show. She appeared in red striped suit number from the Resort 2010 collection.

Photo Source: &

Michael Kors Will Open A New Store In Germany

Micahel Kors Germany Store

It's official! Michael Kors will be opening his first ever store in Germany this coming February. The 2,400-square-foot boutique will display accessories such as eyewear, handbag and watches, fragrances as well as clothes for his own line.


Monday, November 23, 2009

120 days of shadow: Day 34

So today. Phew, I'm caught up now. Blue-toned purple today, to go with my purple cords, which I finally got to break out since it was finally got cold here in the South. I really like this kind of purple. Much more flattering than the pinky-violet shades I've been wearing. Bleh.

On my lips is my most favoritest lipgloss of all time. I know what you're thinking. What about Blushberry Shine?? Are you crazy, woman? How could you be so adulterous? To borrow from Brian Reagan, Blushberry Shine is favorite. But this one is a little more favorite. And it's surprising, too, because it's probably the cheapest lipgloss in the world. I dare you to find a cheaper one. It's Donna Michelle's Lipgloss in Cherry. I bought this on a whim one time at Dollar Tree (yeah, it doesn't sound like too reliable of a source, but I've actually found really good products at Dollar Tree.... Oooo, I feel a post coming on!). But despite its shady origins, it's fabulous! It has the prettiest sheer red color (which is great for pale blue-eyed people like myself), smells wonderful, and has a smooth texture that I love. Kind of waxy, but in a good way. Which makes sense because it's made of beeswax.... I've tried some other colors, but they're not as good. The other ones smell funky, and don't have hardly any pigment to them. But this is my go-to gloss. It matches anything and really brightens up my face.

120 days of shadow: Day 33

This is my photo from yesterday. I had my new (well not new exactly.... got them at Goodwill for 50% off haha.... that's how cheap I am) shiny cobalt flats on, so my eyeshadow served as an homage to their awesomeness.

I mixed some pewter in there too to make it smokier. Oh and blue liner (Jordana Easyliner for Eyes in Blue Devine. No, I didn't misspell that, that's what it says!):

My lips didn't photograph well, but it's CoverGirl Lipslicks in Cutie, which is like a tinted lip balm. I used to have one of these in middle school (ha!) and I loved it. When I was out shopping the other day, I saw these and was reminded of how softening they were. And right now I'm really on a tinted lip balm kick. Plus this shade is cool- it's kind of beigy, metallic, and shimmery at the same time. And I definitely need more neutrals in my collection, since I have lots of brights. (Just incase you were wondering, I still prefer brights.)Photo:

120 days of shadow: Day 32

This is what I picked out for Saturday (even though it's Monday... oops). I didn't really feel like doing anything crazy because, um, it was Saturday. And I spent all day cleaning and studying. Glamorous, yes I know.

For the rest of my look, I put on lots of blush (Wet 'n Wild Ultimate Minerals in Rose Shimmer) and the lipstick I wore on my wedding day (everyone say awwwwwwww). It's CoverGirl Outlast in My Papaya. I like that it's almost my actual lip color, but a little brighter and punchier. Plus this stuff will not come off. Ever. Unless you get some kind of makeup remover, or if you're cheap like me, baby oil. Works like magic. I use it for my eye makeup too.

Twilight Saga: New Moon Movie Fashion Guide

Bella's Birthday Dress
The green dress that was supposed to be given by Alice for Bella's birthday was designed by Tish Monaghan. Bella's look was also completed with an old navy sweater.

Bella Swan's Everyday Fashion
For regular days, Bella Swan wore pieces from Band of Outsiders, J Brand and lot of sneakers from Nike, Keds and Converse.

Alice Cullen Fashionable Look
The Cullen's most fashionista member, Alice, sported crimson-hued Gala gloves and accessories from Banana Republic, Ray-Ban and Lacoste.
Twilight Saga New Moon Movie Fashion Guide

Jacob Black's Tranformation
Jacob wore tailored t-shirts and shoes with lifts to emphasize his body and weight.

Jane wore custom-made black cloaks.

Sapatilha: Constance X Prada

Eu comprei essa sapatilha de camurça de laço com tachinhas sem saber da existência desse modelo Prada. Como vocês podem ver, a Prada é vendida na Barneys por assustadores U$ 530. Será que o modelinho da Constance foi inspirado no Prada?? Não sei dizer, só sei que amo minha sapatilha e acho ela bem mais fofa que a Prada, e o preço, acho que foi uns R$ 80,00, a uns 2 meses atrás!!

Mera coincidência!!!

Trend Alert: Oversized Rings

Ontem no red-carpet do American Music Award notei as maos da Fergie e da Rihanna:

As duas estao com as maos cheias de aneis gigantescos!

Fica lindo, com qualquer tipo de look, usar oversized rings em quase todos os dedos das maos. Pode parecer exagerado, mas da um toque legal na roupa ainda mais para complementar algo basico.

Em NYC, todo final de semana, tem barraquinhas de rua no Soho (na Broadway, entre a Bleecker, Spring e Prince St.) e la voce encontra todo tipo de bijoux, incluindo aneis grandes e lindos! Vale a pena comprar por la.

Mary-Kate Olsen, um fashion icon, sabe usar osversized rings e heavy jewelry (e esse fedora de snake skin entao, morri!).

Com essa moda "back to the 80's" a regra agora é tudo mega exagerado mesmo: lame, paete, bright colors, muitos acessorios, super high heels e tudo oversized.

So go for it, don't be sared...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2009 American Music Awards

Foi hoje o American Music Awards diretamente de LA, entao vamos conferir meus look preferidos do red-carpet:

Rihanna (vestindo Marchesa) esta, ultimamente, impecavel e fina nas premiaçoes com vestidos estruturados que parecem dobraduras de papel. Ela podia ter skip esse pump branco, pois sapato branco nao da de jeito nenhum, NE-VER!

Vi a Fergie essa semana no Victoria's Secret Fashion Show e amei os dois look que ela usou nas apresentaçoes com o Black Eyed Peas. Quando vi o look de hoje da latest Giorgio Armani Privé collection simplismente A-MEI! Ela esta arrasando, deve ter trocado de stylist.

Alicia Keys, tenho medo do tamanho da sua coxa, mais adorei o look total blue.

Apesar desse estilo grega one-shoulder estar meio batido, adorei esse mini-dress THEIA da Carrie Underwood porque ficou com cara de rica! E ainda por cima a cor nude e o tecido lame estao super in.

Agora quem nao fez tao bonito assim no red-carpet hoje:

Kelly Clarkson voce esta (como falar isso educadamente?) um pouco overweight. Por isso emagreça antes de usar qualquer coisa sem mangas ou que apareçam as pernas, pois tudo vai ficar pessimo em voce.

Agora a Shakira tem que entender que esse estilinho piriguete latina nao da mais, fica muito vulgar. Mais amei os sapatos!

Acho a Nicole Kidman a pessoa mais sem graça do planeta. O caimento do seu vestido esta lindo, ficou super bom no corpo dela, porem camadas é soooo last season, ela devia ter usado esse look no red-carpet do Oscar 2008 que ia ficar otimo!

Para finalizar: Ne-Yo no melhor R&B style. Estava morrendo de saudades de voce e das suas musicas melosas que ficam na cabeça dias e dias!

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 Photos

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 Photos

The Fashion Show featured the following models wearing lingerie from Victoria's Secret's 2010 collection:

Abbey Lee Kershaw, Alessandra Ambrosio, Ana Beatriz Barros, Anastasia Kuznetsova, Anna Maria Jagodzinska, Anja Rubik, Behati Prinsloo, Candice Swanepoel, Caroline Trentini, Caroline Winberg, Chanel Iman, Dorothea Barth-Jorgensen, Doutzen Kroes, Edita Vilkevicuite, Elyse Taylor, Eniko Mihalik, Erin Heatherton, Heidi Klum, Isabeli Fontana, Izabel Goulart, Julia Stegner, Lily Aldridge, Lindsay Ellingson, Liu Wen, Lyndsey Scott, Marissa Miller, Maryna Linchuk, Mia Aminata Niaria, Miranda Kerr, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Selita Ebanks, Shannan Click and Tatiana Kovylina.

View the photo gallery!

Friday, November 20, 2009

120 days of shadow: Day 31

Hot pink today. Not my favorite, but I guess it's OK. I put a paler pink on the inner part of my eyelids to keep it from look like I'd just had a major cry-fest.

The reason this picture looks cheesy is because I was trying to show off my nail polish. It's one of those $2 Sinful Colors bottles from Walgreens (although I have seen them at some Targets too). The shade is Midnight Blue and it's very pigmented and very shiny. I painted my nails 3 days ago, and washed a whole sink full of nastiness today, and they're still perfect! No base or top coat or anything. Sweet.

Oh yeah, did I mention they're BOGO (free!) right now at Walgreens? Tomorrow is the last day so GO!